Jeannie invites participants to let the body soften and sink down into earth. We have been systematically taught to not be aware of our bodies. Embodiment is the heart of the paradox of spirituality--to be present, alive and lit in every cell, softened and open to the larger energetic field. Turning toward the direct experience of being enfleshed, we simultaneously rest as nothingness--not to escape the flesh, but for light to penetrate flesh with love and well being. This happens through remembrance, and sinking down into our enfleshed being, to experience ourselves as a paradoxical unity.


Exchange 1: Participant wants to explore resting in Being with Jeannie. They exchange about participant's experience of that. 

Exchange 2: Participant notices in being with Jeannie that she's returning to "This." Grief, relief, joy rise as she reconnects to her own Being. Jeannie talks about the power of noticing "I love This."

Exchange 3: Participant explores Being and meeting the phenomena that rise without identification.

Exchange 4: Participant is trying to orient to experience as things drop away. Jeannie talks a lot about common post-awakening challenges.

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