Being [Self-guided]
What is being and how do we sink down into its nourishing waters? In a world possessed with doing, join Jeannie and friends to explore simply being.
Sink into the nourishing waters of being
Jeannie explores the theme of “Being” as silent noticing awareness, the field behind all of our doing and all thought, feeling, and sensation -- which can be inhabited, right here, right now.
Jeannie invites participants to rest into embodied sanctuary and Beingness. She discusses our awareness as often missed but always here, as silent empty noticing presence. She points to “I am," and invites us to notice all else -- such as thoughts, feelings, sensations -- which she points to as the “and it is like this.”
Exchange 1
Participant expresses excitement about the topic and inquires, “What is being?”
Exchange 2
Jeannie reads comment from grateful participant and quips “I think God’s real name is Yummy."
Exchange 3
Participant discusses with Jeannie “delamination” of identification with thoughts, feelings, experience. They explore feeling powerless, hopeless, and helpless sometimes about being human. Participant interacts with Jeannie about arising experience of feeling badly in a life situation.
Exchange 4
Participant brings up “composting,” “dark night of the soul,” and Love, and asks how can we fit composting into busy, full daily lives that can include motherhood, working and difficult relationships.
Exchange 5
Participant requests to discuss Being, in the context of a new job and schedule. Balancing yin and yang, boundaries and how to be while in doing mode, instead of leaving being behind to do.