I will.

Clarify, purify and find the voice of your essential being.

Jeannie talks about the energy of yang within formless awareness, which in its pure form, is the essence of solid commitment. The ability to move from clarity and purity informs our ability to commit. Commitment can also be used as a vehicle for embodiment, in that the merciful and experimental practice of commitment can help us to weed out the dross in us that keeps us from being able to make more solid and larger commitments. Jeannie talks about the role of mercy as medicine for the over-harshness and sense of failure to commit that many of us feel.

Exchange 1: Participant inquires into work commitments, money and "what I'm supposed to be doing." Jeannie talks about finding what's true and living it in relation to work.

Exchange 2: Participant points out that a difficult commitment can include a lot of challenges, but that they all come from the mind. Jeannie explores the various elements in sustaining a commitment.

Exchange 3: Participant is touched by reconnecting with Jeannie, and is feeling renewed openness to committing to her own being.