Grow legs under your heart and walk it right on out there.

Many of us have love in our hearts for the world but are unsure how to contribute given the magnitude of the challenges that face us. The answer is neither stunned passivity, nor overwhelming emotionality, nor is it riding our fear and fury into battle to perform activism from division. Join Jeannie to explore the terrain of the engaged heart in a world that needs so much.

This course includes meditation, guided meditation, talks, exchanges with Jeannie and dyad exercises and home practices to take the insights into practice.

Class 1 - Reckoning with Earth & Humanness - coming out of fantasy and projection to see what planet we’re really on together

Class 2 - Refining Your Motives - navigating through heartbreak, powerlessness and fear to find the reservoir of love and purposefulness

Class 3 - The Power of Being - how grounding in being gives us the fuel and nourishment for the tasks at hand

Class 4 - Finding Your Niche - since we can’t all do everything all at once, where are you uniquely drawn to contribute and how?

Class 5 - Engage - forming and working with a commitment that is just right for where you’re at