It's natural to expect...

Where do expectations get me in trouble?

If we’re spiritual, we’re not supposed to have expectations, right? Join Jeannie to explore the use and misuse of the natural human impulse to expect.

In this class, Jeannie inquires into the theme of expectations. She talks about the sane use and the misuse of what we call expectation, as the human mind can't help but create expectations. Fixation on expectations can prevent us from sensing and operating from the actual, living moment and limit our responsiveness. Focusing on expectations versus the present moment can generate a lot of painful emotion when our expectations aren't met. As well, our expectations can actually contribute to outcomes. Dropping expectations and learning to live openly without attachment to outcome minimizes suffering.


Exchange 1: Participant writes that "negative" expectations can seem accurate. Jeannie talks about the power of projection.

Exchange 2: Participant and Jeannie explore the difference between an expectation and a preference.

Exchange 3: Participant and Jeannie explore the power of positive expectations in healing.

Exchange 4: Participant and Jeannie exchange about parental expectations toward adult children. 

Exchange 5: Participant exchanges with Jeannie about a sense that expectation is under the umbrella of attachment.

Exchange 6: Participant asks about the use of prayer in relation to resistance.