Drop into the felt sense of the ground of being
How do I be with all of this?

Jeannie invites participants to notice where their attention is, and guides them toward noticing felt sense in the body. She suggests noticing how attention is conditioned to rise to thought, and let it keep sinking back down, into sound, feel, and breath. She talks about the wisdom gleaned from fully digesting experience and that this is a basic tool for embodiment, to digest the undigested emotion, pierce delusional beliefs, and live the light that we are and to grow rooted in the seat of Being.


Exchange 1: Participant asks how to “not think” during a "hostile takeover" (as Jeannie calls it). Jeannie and participant discuss a repetitive dynamic of reactive harshness that leads to heartbreak. Jeannie points to staying with the feels before focusing on how to “fix it.”

Exchange 2: Participant wants to rest in the safety of Jeannie’s presence. Jeannie and participant explore worthiness and deservedness, as well as young feelings, and how to be with those in a good way.

Exchange 3: Participant comes on to explore feelings about their cat’s decline. Jeannie invites participant to drop in and feel rather than zoom through with the mind Development of new resources is discussed, and recognizing the unlimited heart as well as the human limitations, and the use of having mercy for our humanness.

Exchange 4: Participant shares his growing capacity to be with himself internally, and to be so with another, and not feeling like being around people, while also feeling lonely. Jeannie articulates a types of loneliness (mirroring/reflecting, physical touch/littermate, disconnection from the real) and how to be with each.