The beauty of divine mothering
The feminine face of the Holy

Jeannie invites participants to drop into abiding in the moment. She talks about God as gendered/non-gendered and the beauty of the yin aspect of the Holy.


Exchange 1: Participant shares about her mother's passing.

Exchange 2: Participant wants Jeannie to talk about choices -- she refers him to her online school to a class called "Making Decisions."

Exchange 3: Participant wants to inquire into the grief she carries about how she parented her sons.

Exchange 4: Participant wants to explore desiring peace for her son who is not speaking to her.

Exchange 5: Participant wants to explore his relationship with his abusive mother.

Exchange 6: Participant wrangles with watching her son struggle and faces the ways she might have contributed to his pain, and questions how to give things over to God.