Out Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesn't make any sense.

Translated from Persian by Coleman Barks and John Moyne

Jeannie invites participants to rest in being. She talks about the endless search to "get good" and the remedy - to rest in what is, as it is, below the mind: life, breath, ground, sounds, feels and the presence that holds it all. She talks about how unconscious conditioning keeps us from sinking down, as though our life depends upon fusing our attention to thought. Walking through the dynamics of "me-making," Jeannie shows us how to drop down into presence to meet things as they are.


Exchange 1: Mom comes on to exchange and is interrupted by waking baby. Jeannie guides her to soften out of a panicked trying to make things go well down into being here with all of it. She comes on with shame about her role as an overwhelmed stepmother to an 11 year old boy. Jeannie supports her (and everyone witnessing) to meet the feels and have a signal that helps her communicate with him when stressed.

Exchange 2: Participant carries shame and trauma in relation to abuse by his mother. Jeannie supports him to land in the present and resource as he shares.

Exchange 3: Participant feels that she's missing something, and Jeannie invites her to be with the searching energy as she meets the place where she doesn't feel whole.

Exchange 4: Participant carries fear of groups, particularly women. Jeannie supports her to care for herself. She brings an experience of shocking harshness from her week. Jeannie talks about the dual channels of the present and adulthood, and the terrified one and her point of view and feels. Jeannie talks about delusions that rise (projections) and ways to step out of that.