Jeannie invites participants to rest in being. She talks about "difficult" people as those who seem to trigger us to leave the simplicity of resting in being. The biggest impact to our ability to negotiate such interactions is building capacity to remain in simple resting being in the face of their behaviors. Jeannie shares some tips and skills for relating to those who bring reactivity out of us.


Exchange 1: Participant feels a teacher is excusing harsh behavior by saying "It's all the absolute. It's all God." Jeannie talks about how it's impossible to change another's perspective if they are determined to hold onto their current one, and suggests handing the person back to God. Then to look and see what bits of truth need to be put into words for one's own integrity.

Exchange 2: Participant is challenged in interacting with their mother because they get pulled out of themselves and into wanting to assist. Jeannie counsels to hand her over to God and let their heart break.

Exchange 3: Participant has difficult interactions with someone at work and keeps feeling pulled to make amends. Jeannie suggests that sometimes we have to let go of that in the short term to meet the undigested emotion.

Exchange 4: Participant has strong anger toward ex. Jeannie talks about staying sovereign and handing the kids and the ex to life, and to keep grounding, breathing and letting life do what it does instead of engaging in conflict. This process is challenging when one's openness and truth seem to be interpreted as pathology in the eyes of those around you.