What is impersonal love?

All pervasive, bottomless and indiscriminate

Jeannie invites participants to drop into the ground of being, and to consider the heart as an altar in the temple of the body where we can allow the sun of impersonal love to shine forth. 

She talks about impersonal love as the heart of the Mystery, defying every idea, norm, rule or conditioned sense except the natural law of the Holy. If everything is divine, how does this view affect how we view others. She talks about the paradox of love and yet the existence of suffering. How impersonal love moves differently from person to person and how to listen with your heart to hear how love moves is discussed. 
From there, everything only Is, born of This, and nothing can be outside of This. Jeannie describes some of what she experienced as Love cleansed, purified and emptied her, as her personhood and structure fell away and the movement of Love took over. There is a lot to get used to in this transition and transformation.


Exchange 1: Participant is having difficulty with the deconstruction process, has fear especially about being a good mom, and has experiences at times of being held. Jeannie talks about the bond with a child as a deep study of motherhood, of God, of love and attachment and a force that can clean out all but love.

Exchange 2: An end of life guide wonders at how to greet people outside of the conditioned "How is your day going?" Jeannie talks about how to invite a person into the present moment with a simple "Hi" or "What are you noticing?" or "How are you?" as a way to then reflect back to them what they are saying and meet them where they are able to go.

Exchange 3: Participant is trying to teach their therapist how to hold impersonal space. Jeannie talks about the body and awareness reuniting, and listening to the language of the body.

Exchange 4: Participant asked Jeannie to speak to what purification is and how it works. Jeannie talks about how things seem to conspire to wear away what is false in us and leave what is pure: love and being.

Exchange 5: Participant says that love can't fix everything and is not "enough." Jeannie explores "not enough" with the participant and how to meet the feelings that rise in the face of a suffering world.

Exchange 6: Participant wants radiant love to be enough and wants to do it right and is concerned they are always looking for something wrong. Jeannie supports them to explore the young feelings behind this perspective.