Relating as spiritual exploration.

How to relate in an alive, nourishing way?

Join Jeannie for a 5-part series focusing on the beauties, challenges and learning opportunities of intimate relating. Bring new insight, levity, mercy and presence to your current relating and use your relational challenges to deepen your capacity to relate well.  

Class 1

Jeannie invites participants to soften and land in the present moment. Jeannie talks about how relating starts from our own unique experience of being and that there is no “right way.” She emphasizes the importance of setting your own terms of engagement. The challenges of relating with people who are operating within a conditioned relational template are covered, and she introduces the possibility of being both sovereign and open while relating. She points out how intimate relating brings up the same challenges as the spiritual path. Jeannie also talks about the importance of attention to container in relationship.

Class 2

Jeannie invites participants to soften. She talks about deconstructing assumptions in relationships and coming back to the moment. Jeannie covers a process for giving feedback and asking for what we need and finally, discusses the topics of platonic intimacy and anger in relating.

Class 3

Jeannie talks about needs; how the fulfillment of a need can be healing to deprived young parts of ourselves as well as how the starving out of a need can hollow out space for open presence,. She adds that the spiritual negation of needs can be a cover for self-hate. She talks about terms of engagement, taking responsibility for one's needs, and container in relationship.

Class 4

Jeannie invites participants to soften into the present and be intimate with their own experience; she talks about this as the relationship that underlies all others. She talks about the beauty of seeing and being seen as a way of relating together within the reality of the moment. She talks about how the shadow can act under the surface with an energy of “you shouldn’t be as you are now” when hard feelings arise, and how to bring consciousness and care to these areas. Jeannie addresses setting boundaries. 

Class 5

Jeannie invites participants to root in the ground of the present moment. Jeannie talks about the transformational power of relationships when we stay with the hard feelings that arise there, and the difference between approaching relationship from external gratification of need versus relationship as an extension of overflowing inner fullness. Jeannie gives a guide to giving feedback in relationships.