How do we meet the dark?

The unknown is calling...

Jeannie invites participants to let rest in full contact with direct experience. She shares about her dark night experience, how transformative it was, and how spirituality moved from being a "hobby" to the whole of her life. She shares the lessons and revelations from that experience and invites participants to exchange with her about their experiences.


Exchange 1: Participant inquires regarding finding true yang after the yin of the dark night. Jeannie speaks of being stripped during the deconstruction to zero: nobody. going nowhere. And then the willingness to rest at zero, in the "desert" before true movement could express itself (not movement from the false fuels of fear, should, ambition, etc.) 

Exchange 2: Participant inquires into difficulties around confusions of mind and unconscious drives when moving toward being true. Jeannie recommends returning attention to felt experience, for information about what is true and not true, and learning by experience to sort through what is true and what is false. The value of total honesty versus skillful means and compassion is discussed.

Exchange 3: Participant inquires regarding honoring the dark night while raising her son. Also discusses concern for things she might say, or husband might say, to hurt son, from triggers. 

Exchange 4: Participant discusses waking up into terror, no safety, no security, feeling no ground, nothing helps or seems to matter to help. Jeannie talks about listening to the body/creature for clues about how to soothe and digest. 

Exchange 5: Participant is in a relationship with a strong woman, and experiences fear of abandonment and loss.