Everything we do in the direction of love is useful. Out of the depth of your own heart comes the call, to love. Love isn’t at our command, sometimes giving up and emptiness allows love to reveal itself. The primary thing that keeps us separate from love is the turning away from things as they are… just notice.


Exchange 1: Participant explores losing oneself with teachers, loving them, feeling dependence, craving and attachment. Jeannie supports participant in this exploration and points her back to her own wisdom and authority. 

Exchange 2: Participant wants to rise up and do something with their life but every rise seems to be thwarted, and wonders at what true yang looks like. They explore the idea of doing men's work and establishing a structure to take steps from the fire within.

Exchange 3: Participant explores when love finally comes rushing in, how to not get overwhelmed and move in a balanced way. Jeannie talks about ground as resource and the importance of the body being brought along with a lot of tenderness. 

Exchange 4: Participant expresses that after life pummeled them, they emerged ever more grateful, wanting only love and seeing everything as love.

Exchange 5: Participant explores the challenge of living from spiritual aliveness when it seems you’re called to leave work and just sit/inquire? How to strip the narrative down to what simply is, come below, digest, and find the inner guidance? Sometimes we don’t even know why, and the calls can go against what we think makes sense. 

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