What is the nature of opening?

Something here longs and fears to open...

Jeannie invites participants to soften and sink into the moment. She talks about the movement of opening and closing, and a variety of opening experiences and ways of opening, and the role of safety in opening, and the role of the body, as well as the nature of spiritual opening.


Exchange 1: Participant exchanges with Jeannie about opening and shining versus the need for safety and protection. Participant shares about isolation versus solitude. Jeannie explores young places where aloneness can be terrifying, the digestion of pain and caring for the body when this arises.

Exchange 2: Participant weeps, and Jeannie points to weeping as opening. Participant shares about a young part within that wants to close, and yet is feeling met, which allows her to open. 

Exchange 3: Participant explores how appropriate it is to be open with anger in relationships. Jeannie addresses anger, boundaries, shame, incapacity, and taking space.

Exchange 4: Participant shares an insight about opening with regard to trauma. Jeannie points to trauma resolution as helpful in bringing mercy toward painful experiences.

Exchange 5: Participant shares about feeling dropped "back into the mud" after an exquisite opening experience.  Jeannie discusses the root of separation and suffering and distinguishes feeling into without identifying.

Exchange 6: Participant inquires about meeting what is closed. Jeannie discusses noticing without interfering, nonjudgmental consciousness.