Rest into the softness of yin
Breathe, sink, give way

We absorb our culture’s imbalance between yin and yang, to our detriment. In overvaluing yang and undervaluing yin, we rigidify, drive ourselves, and feel that we cannot rest, fail or admit imperfection. Join Jeannie in exploring the role of yin on the spiritual path as she describes the nature of yin and how it allows us to root into the ground of being, in true, heart-integrated power.


Exchange 1: Participant inquires into the relationship between yin and work/survival.

Exchange 2: Participant inquires into the fear that yin and the invitation to soften evoke in her.

Exchange 3: Participant inquires into the invitation to die in every moment.

Exchange 4: Participant wants to know how the integration of yin and yang happens.

Exchange 5: Participant inquires into the relationship between trusting yin, trusting life and trusting the gut.