Relate with grace
Learn some key ways to support your bonds

Jeannie invites participants to rest in being and talks about how relating in the pandemic can bring forth shadow aspects of us that move from fear. She shares about how to create containers to digest the fear and bring mercy to our humanness so we can move more fully from love with those close to us.


Exchange 1: Participant feels wounded when her wife is unavailable to give her the validation of love she craves. Jeannie talks about how the experience of need comes from a young aspect of self and helps the participant to explore how to not do harm while relating when feeling hurt.

Exchange 2: Participant wonders how to negotiate a power struggle he refuses to lose. Jeannie talks about how the desire to win can masquerade as standing for what’s true, and that glorifying power can be very destructive to relationships; she points out that true spirituality weakens the ego’s power, which sometimes looks like "losing." as we value love over "winning."

Exchange 3: Participant has been dealing with grief for an old love passing for a long time. She wonders at the possibility of opening to a new romantic connection. Jeannie supports her to open to her tender heart and move slowly in her softness and sovereignty.