Listen to your instrument for guidance.

Through guided meditation, participants are invited to let the body soften and sink. Jeannie speaks about the nature of resonance. She talks about how resonance happens below the mind, and how the softer the body, the more these vibrations are felt, recognized, and available to be acted upon. Resonance can be a wonderful tool for finding our way, even though it can scare or repel us. Jeannie gives examples of how people, music, and art can resonate to create a mirror for us to recognize where we aren’t giving our lives to beauty. Taking steps toward what calls our heart is a way to move out of dullness or a heart-starved life. 

Exchange 1: Participant asks about the resonance he feels in love, in relating to other people, and how this works with attraction. Jeannie explains that sexual attraction can be resonance felt in the pelvis, which can be compelling for the creature but confusing for the psyche. She talks about how to respond to a feeling of resonance in the context of attraction.

Exchange 2: Participant asks about being repelled when we encounter resonance. When does she lean into a feeling of fear, or when is feeling repelled telling her to step away? Jeannie suggests the participant get to know the feelings more deeply in a sessional space (journaling, dance, singing, sitting, therapy) to discover more about the emotions before taking action toward or away. Sometimes repelling (or fear) has as much for us to discover as attraction.

Exchange 3: Participant rests with a quiet part before speaking about a personal feeling of confusion and challenge around her relationship to Jeannie. Jeannie acknowledges the complexity that arises in between a spiritual teacher and student, and to the personal and impersonal nature that resonance can take. 

Exchange 4: Participant acknowledges simply wanting to say hi. Participant and Jeannie share about how human we all are. Jeannie speaks to the importance of mercy towards ourselves and others in our humanness.