"It's wild, paradoxical and beyond the mind’s understanding that we can at once experience ourselves as wide and unincorporated, everything inside us, while simultaneously being this sovereign individual through which the Holy expresses itself."

~Jeannie Zandi

Sacred Community - Embodying Sovereignty & Connection

September 18-22, 5-day In Person Retreat

Empower your expression by exploring the essential paradox of individuality and unity. 

Join Jeannie and a group of like-minded explorers for this 5-day intimate retreat. Immerse yourself in presence and discover how to live as a distinct expression of the Divine while also experiencing your fundamental unity with others and the greater whole. Discover the freedom of sovereign communion, anchoring in and expressing your individuality while forging profound belonging and connection with others.

Why Attend

  • Be sovereign: Gain practical skills to function independently with clarity and empowerment in relation to others.
  • Explore connection: From a grounded, sovereign space, explore connection with others.
  • Embody: Explore your unique challenges to showing up authentically in a supportive, experimental retreat space.
  • Honor yourself: Learn how to wholeheartedly accept where you are while engaging your growing edges.
  • Connect with community: Explore togetherness in a whole new supportive and nourishing way.

What to expect

This is not just a retreat. It is a transformational, interactive experience tailored to your needs and growing edges in community with other sincere explorers.

Activities will include:

  • Meditation and Guided Meditation: Center yourself and open your heart to discovery.

  • Talks and Exchanges with Jeannie: Gain insights and guidance from Jeannie’s catalytic teachings.

  • Optional Dyad Exercises: Engage in partner exercises to deepen your understanding and connection.

  • Movement: Explore moving from presence and simplicity in a safe space. 

  • Personal Experiments: Use the safe and experimental space to engage your edges on your own terms.

Jeannie's teaching blends practical, embodied practices with sublime, energetic insights—truly a place where heaven and earth meet.

Themes will include:

  • Resting in grounded, sovereign being

  • Exploring sovereignty-in-relating

  • Individual expression in community

  • Experiencing self as part of the greater whole

  • Experiencing self as unified field of being

  • Unity & boundaries

  • Aloneness & togetherness

  • Loneliness & isolation

  • Nourishing solitude

These intimate in-person retreats in Jeannie's neighborhood in Lawrence, KS are a rare chance to enjoy Jeannie's presence and holding in a small group. Lawrence is a progressive college town located by the Kansas River with a thriving and eclectic downtown, historic buildings and a variety of yummy restaurants less than an hour from Kansas City

The retreat will be limited to 16 participants and is open to all genders. 

Authentic movement in a beautiful nearby studio will also be part of the exploration.


Start: Wednesday, September 18 at 10:30 AM Central Time
End: Sunday, September 22 at 4 PM Central Time.

The retreat will take place at a spacious Airbnb in Lawrence, Kansas, 50 minutes from Kansas City International Airport (MCI), and an 8-hour drive from Denver. A quick Lyft ride gets you there from the airport.

Retreat fee: 

Standard: $650.00 (food and lodging not included)
Reduced: $550.00

Food: $162.00 
Catered organic lunch and dinner with attention to sensitivities, on your own for breakfast. (Lunch-only on the final day.)

First come, first served availability at the retreat Airbnb. Costs vary by size/nature of bedroom -- please inquire.

Registration & Application
Preregistration required.

New to Jeannie's in person retreats? If you have not yet attended an in-person retreat (3 days or longer) with Jeannie please take a moment to fill out the application here.

Deadline to register and pay is Friday, Sept 13.

To register or for more information, email Amy at: [email protected]

The first retreat in Lawrence - out to eat tacos!

Authentic movement at the studio.

Pricing options

What pricing option do I pick?

We are a small non-profit and strive to make our events affordable. Thus, we have two rates and payment plans for those rates to provide flexibility and to help us to offer high-quality programs. We appreciate your contributions that help us cover our basic program costs.

Standard Rate  
This rate is for you if you:

  • Can meet your monthly financial responsibilities with ease
  • Are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself

Reduced Rate
This rate is for you if you:

  • Can meet your monthly financial responsibilities
  • Have to choose carefully where discretionary income is used 
  • Are currently experiencing limited capacity to afford the Standard price
  • Face challenges due to devaluation of your currency against the US dollar

If you have limited financial capacity or hardship that makes meeting even your monthly expenses challenging, such as a fixed income, temporary or long-term joblessness, etc. please fill out the scholarship application here to give us more information about your situation.

Cancellation Policy
It is your responsibility to read and understand our cancellation policy before sending in payment.

For this small retreat, there are no cancellation refunds unless we are able to fill your spot, which we will do everything in our power to do. If we can fill your spot, you will be refunded your payment in full less a $50.00 processing fee. 

About Jeannie

Jeannie is the director of Living as Love, a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeding a culture of the Heart on the planet, inspiring, teaching and supporting people to live from their essence as Love.  A year before the birth of her daughter, Jeannie was plunged into a dark night of the soul that culminated in a radical shift of consciousness.  She is known for her fearless clarity, tender mercy toward humanness, and a juicy, poetic and often humorous style that draws from Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Christian mysticism and the ongoing revelation of fully engaged living.

For more about Jeannie, visit www.jeanniezandi.com