How do I give my heart to the world?

Explore the path of the servant...

Full-hearted service is one of the lovely fruits of spiritual awakening. But do we have to be entirely selfless to serve? What is the path of the servant and how can it be glorifying as opposed to debasing? How can we find where and how to give our hearts in this world that seems to need so much? How do we care for ourselves and care for the world at the same time? Join Jeannie and friends to look at these issues and the specific questions you have about serving from the heart. 

Jeannie invites participants to rest into the felt ground of Being. She talks about the nature of true service. She talks about the role of the heart and of devotion and how patterns of guilt and shame around service interfere with our ability to discover the service of the heart. She talks about the importance of putting the oxygen mask on ourselves, which at times can be the best service we can offer. She sees spirituality maturity as the ability to give back in joy and gratitude.


Exchange 1: Participant explores how to increase her capacity to give, as she feels depleted often after service. Jeannie talks about the heart as the place of regeneration, and the importance of recognizing the limitations of the body, as the spiritual heart has no limits and can drive the body into exhaustion. She talks about the container and balance to support the depth of giving.

Exchange 2: Participant inquires into service with regard to her distressed marriage and family when she carries shame with regard to past behavior. Jeannie talks about the shadow, and the difference between giving from the heart and giving out of guilt and "bad dog." 

Exchange 3: Participant feels she cannot fully say "yes" and feels tormented by that. Jeannie advises to hang in the place of heartbreak and to digest the blocks that are there.

Exchange 4: Participant is healing and unraveling but her mind insists she should be offerings something. Jeannie normalizes being in a state of not being able to give.

Exchange 5: Participant feels he has confusion and tangle around service. Jeannie talks about seeing through the "asshole over there" as key to being able to bring mercy to others, and ultimately also to himself.

Exchange 6: Participant doesn't feel her heart in her chosen career path but feels a "keep going" voice. Jeannie supports her in that.