Embrace solitude

Stand alone in the truth of your being

Jeannie invites participants to drop into the flow of experience. She talks about the solitary nature of the exploration of the living miracle of one's sovereign existence, which, paradoxically, is also everyone’s existence. The question of solitude and loneliness is a key question and study of our time (pandemic). Each of us needs to, with help or alone, untangle the unconscious conditioned paradigms we have inherited and live in around solitude and togetherness. Solitude is the gateway to the discovery to the source of all joy. The questions we each wrestle with are sovereign questions to be settled in our own heart, in our own way. She goes on to talk about flavors of aloneness, loneliness and solitude and support for navigating the territory.


Exchange 1: Participant inquires into untethered freedom and an inner infant craving for companionship. Jeannie shares about how spiritual deconstruction can expose creature states of trauma, and that at times we may find expansiveness in the face of that, but often we don't, and to bring mercy to our inability. She talks about the importance of resourcing.

Exchange 2: Participant asks about action that is not from fear. He has healing abandonment wounds, and notices the control and force he brings to things. Jeannie urges him to bring mercy to the scared aspects, and describes true yang, which is slower to develop than we might like. 

Exchange 3: Participant shares hurting and “it’s not fair” arising and feels only company and holding will help. Jeannie shares that touch from grounded human flesh shot through with consciousness is irreplaceable in terms of bringing love, soothing, and healing to the body. Finding this in everyday life can be quite challenging, and if we cannot, to do our best to bring some of what mama/papa would bring with pets, weighted blankets, sheepskins, soothing guided meditations, and other resources.

Exchange 4: Participant asks how to get out of self inflicted loneliness when hurt triggers her to push people away. Jeannie and participant exchange about creature level hurt and the importance of acknowledging fallibility and humanness. Jeannie points out that feeling of urgency to reconnect comes from frightened young one and suggests noticing, self soothing, and to not act out of the panic. Jeannie suggests also to explore that perhaps, in present time, nothing has been lost. She quotes Rilke who suggests we see each other as “whole against the sky”, that space is needed for relationship, rather than any fused merging; we need to connect with our own depths and the deeper reality first for connection to the other.

Exchange 5: Participant asks if young one ever stops howling or will it howl for all our life. Jeannie shares, she does not know, cannot speak for all humans. The ancient patterning, and especially trauma, can persist, but each of us has our own Earth walk. We may have certain things that we carry for our whole lives. Perhaps at some point, we stop wishing for it to be different, and turn toward it all as best we can with mercy.