Know thyself
Make the unconscious conscious and transform

Jeannie shares how learning about what lives in our unconscious helps us live increasingly from clarity, love and truth. Jeannie offers examples from her own experience of how unconscious habits and beliefs affect our lives. She shares how understanding the unconscious is the key to understanding ourselves, other humans, and seeing what is real. 


Exchange 1Participant is trying to deal with fear of tension in the body because it reminds them of a severe depression they experienced in the past. Jeannie talks about the qualities and purposes that tension may hold, and invites the participant to listen to the aspects of her body that are calling.

Exchange 2: Participant has a deep desire to explore the dark night and the unconscious, brings forward tears and silence. Jeannie discusses the aspects of this exploration with them, especially the deep sense of loneliness. 

Exchange 3: Participant had recently pointed out discriminatory problems in an organization and got hurt. They discuss with Jeannie the challenge of knowing what is theirs to handle and what is bigger than them. Jeannie also talks about the nuances of giving and receiving feedback.

Exchange 4: Participant has noticed a competitive feeling in their body when coming in contact with men. Jeannie points mainly towards men’s conditioning in her talk.