What is a calling versus a career? How do you find your true work? What are the possibilities of and obstacles to the full expression of your gift? Finding our calling at once tethers us to earth but requires opening to spirit for guidance. Thus it takes us into the core of being human, opening to the inspiration of spirit while tending to grounded issues of “making a living.” Bringing this area of life to fruition is a conversation between the security needs of the creature of the body, and the necessity of the heart to give itself in service and express itself authentically.
This series with Jeannie explores this rich topic of living your heart out loud. Discover and manifest the true gift of your being!
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Class 1
Jeannie guides participants into softening, resting and sinking into the ground of being. She talks about the deep resource of yin and the Holy and how conditioning teaches us to mistrust these. She talks about the ground of being as soil and how when we are open to that depth, what grows serves being, and when things grow from the more shallow soil of conditioning, we cannot love them. Composting what's not useful to open to the deeper soil of being, stepping away from the known, from beliefs and from negative know-it-allness is necessary to open to the resource of the moment. She talks about awakening and embodiment as all one piece, giving oneself over to being and floating in the potent sea of the vibrating moment outside of all our ideas and structures. The ground of true work is to give ourselves to being no one so that what rises there is purely of being and encourages participants to hang in the unknown to allow the holy to flower as us through work.She invites participants to consider that they are here for something beautiful and that all that is not beautiful within us can be digested and composted. She guides people through resting as a holy seed of potentiality.
Exchange 1: Participant felt a lot of energy and tension during the dyad exercise in the initial call and wants to know how best to meet that. Jeannie talks about grounding, feeling and trauma considerations.
Exchange 2: Participant feels lost and confused regarding true work and wants to inquire into that. Jeannie supports her to be right where she is, in the unknown and to even more deeply open to listening into the field of being. Jeannie names her "fuel" for her exploration as, in participant's words, "...longing that burns like the sun..." and talks about how the organic can move from this sincere energy.
Exchange 3: Participant wondered if she was simply here for witnessing, as her "something beautiful." Jeannie talks about the devaluation of yin, of which witnessing is an expression, and the true value of this kind of receptivity.
Exchange 4: Participant plays with "I'm here for something beautiful" and Jeannie supports her to flower open energetically in that.
Exchange 5: Participant was touched by Jeannie's "I'm here for something beautiful" outside of her mind and she knew it was true. Jeannie talks about the power of our inner resources and the way conditioning has pointed us away from them.
Exchange 6: Participant feels reliant on her husband financially and feels incapable of doing work just for money and she finds this all anxiety-producing. Jeannie talks about the ripening process in nature versus our personal will when it comes to situations that feel impossible. She also talks about the composting aspect of the human psyche as it is reflected in nature.
Class 2
Jeannie supports participants to relax into the ground of being, the oceanic, vibrating field of being. She talks about the heart being left out of learning about work within the conditioning of the culture, which has resulted in a habitual orientation to life that leaves out being here for the heart. She talks about true work as a willingness for this old orientation to compost as we open to a process of finding what delights us and comes naturally to us and makes us feel "more ourselves than anything else." She talks about the culture's strategy being creating an image and then making our life to adhere to it -- the organic process of finding true work is more to allow seeds to be nurtured in the dark, without knowing where things are going. What we are for can be co-opted by fear and not allowed to grow from our soul, and that kind of work has a shelf-life as the soul can no longer get behind it. Jeannie talks about orienting to the paradigm of the Holy as the soil within which true work sprouts, and the importance of getting to know what delights us and makes us feel most ourselves, without judgment or evaluation. She gives time for participants to inquire into what, throughout their lives, made them feel this way, and encourages them to stay in the "ish" of the feeling rather than the mind prematurely trying to create something out of the things that are discovered.
Exchange 1: Participant asks Jeannie's take on using a coach or other person to assist us in finding true work. Participant says in the absence of knowing how to listen within, she felt a little too available to the thoughts of others, and that now she's learning to listen within. Jeannie talks about the discovery process as a way that the soul has a conversation with the things of earth, which can be done by ourselves, to get to know our own being, and also can happen in conversation with others. She talks about coaches helping us stay on task once we know where we're going, but the trap of "ultra-yang" which may not support the organic unfolding, and the importance of "I don't know." She also talks about the role of fear in the process.
Exchange 2: Participant feels like she's been "tweaking" for so long and doesn't get to the flowering stage. Jeannie talks about the integrity of anything that's holding us back and the importance to remove judgment from that. She talks about the sensitivity to how her offering is received in public. Jeannie talks about structures that allow the sprout to grow strong in this area, and the role of mistrust in the process.
Exchange 3: Participant feels moved by the work and comes on simply to express her heart.
Exchange 4: Participant has questions about the necessity of credentials in the process of true work. Jeannie talks about the difference between off the map and on the map and the possibilities of working "off the map." She talks about the wise and funky spots of pursuing credentials.
Class 3
Jeannie invites participants to notice life outside of thought and to rest into being, and states that it is foundational to tune one's listening outside of the everyday mind. Tuning into the organic unfolding of one's own seed allows us to leave orienting through the everyday mind, which can only produce the same old separation-based living. Jeannie talks about the difference between a career and a calling, and the importance of differentiating between conditioned ideas of career and one's holy path. She stresses the importance of setting aside a corner in one's life to call to one's own heart's expression, and talks about her own process of allowing her heart to guide the unfolding of her work. She talks about following the organic as different from moving from the everyday mind and will. She talks about finding the edge of one's unfolding and hanging out there to meet, sift through, and digest what's there. True work is original and transforms .True work is new!
Exchange 1: Participant is moving from being an artist (she doesn't enjoy selling herself) to creating a gathering space for "rest and wonder" -- for artists' installations and events with satsang teachers. She is finding herself immersed in the healing of herself and her family. Jeannie calls this "root work" and says it's common before sprouting upward to have to do deep inner work to build a strong root system/foundation.
Exchange 2: Participant asks for Jeannie's thoughts around the "do what you love, the money will follow" maxim. Jeannie speaks to the truth of this as well as the complexities below the triteness of the statement. She talks about "what is enough" as well as the way the culture rewards things that support war and greed -- true work tends not to support that. She also speaks to "you can't serve two masters" and the way the mind will try to cement the approach versus staying with the moving/breathing inquiry and exploration. She talks about again and again choosing "the love of the heart" over "the fear of the gutter" which can feel like risking one's life. Also a short discussion of money.
Class 4
Jeannie supports participants to listen in to their deeper nature, to the call of the Holy. She talks about the importance of turning away from the everyday mind and turning toward remembrance of and devotion to our deeper nature. She talks about the possibility of what we do being work and worship simultaneously, and that not knowing how is a sacred entry point into this. She talks about remembrance of the power that is greater than us is vital to finding true work. Jeannie describes the many personal motivations that can fuel us to search for our true work, as well as the higher motivation of the heart and the importance of owning the less-than-holy motivations. Meeting the fuel (ambition, worthlenssness, fear ,wanting recognition, etc.) behind these motivations allows them to be met and digested so that the true fuel can remain pure. She talks about the primary fuel being the sense of "use me" from the heart toward the Holy. Jeannie talks about these energies as "young energies" that when made conscious, rest and integrate rather than remaining as what is creating our lives.
Exchange 1: Participant works as an educator and gets to feel like a good person but feels like her real calling is related to performance. Jeannie encourages her to stay with her in-love-ness as well as the not-knowing in relation to this. Jeannie encourages her to slow down and feel into the place where she feels young and weird and like she's not moving forward toward this work, which opens up a deep place of fear.
Exchange 2: Participant feels her motivation is her heart and she has guidance for certain work but feels she lacks confidence. Jeannie encourages her to stay with the "I don't know" as she goes through the training, letting the process strengthen her confidence. They discuss retirement and reclaiming yin while also continuing the exploration of true work.
Exchange 3: Participant has supported herself and her son and feels capable there, recently was laid off from her job and has a period of time where she's supported and isn't sure what to do. Wants to utilize the time off and is afraid she won't make the most of it. Jeannie identifies that she is composting and letting go of who she has been. She has no sense of what lights her up despite thinking about it for years and is afraid her unemployment will run out and she'll have to go back to work she doesn't love. Jeannie slows her down to digest some of what's rising.