Jeannie takes us on a journey looking through a variety of windows into the topic of war and of peace, touching on current events as well as the source of war within us: separation, and how we all can bring our hearts to bear on a divided world.


Exchange 1: Participant can bring compassion to all humans but Putin and inquires into the making of a "bad one" in order to justify war.

Exchange 2: Participant grew up in St. Petersburg and her extended family were from Ukraine. She speaks to the history and issues in the current war in Ukraine. 

Exchange 3: Participant's mother and ancestors are from Kiev and feels like the war is happening in her body.

Exchange 4: Participant asks about how to protect oneself in the face of hostility without making the other person a "bad dog."

Exchange 5: Participant is a Vietnam vet who is doing reconciliation work in Vietnam getting to know the people he historically saw as his enemies.

Exchange 6: Participant wonders if violence is justified if another is perpetuating violence on innocents.