How can I bring my whole heart to life?

Following the thread of aliveness

Jeannie invites participants to drop into being. She explores how we can bring our whole hearts to life -- allowing our heart and life to be home to the highest truth we know. Following what's alive to us and what rings true can help us make a home on earth for the beauty of our hearts. There are many reasons it is challenging to be wholehearted--living from the heart is a process. The heart is precious, worthy of time, care and protection as we learn to grow sturdy legs under its sensitivity.


Exchange 1: Participant feels they are losing their health, their relationship and their apartment and don't know where to turn. Jeannie supports them to let their heart melt and speak through tears, allowing themselves to grieve, as well as to support themselves and navigate with the voices of criticism that rise.

Exchange 2: Participant feels pain in trying to protect in an intimate relationship by being half-hearted, and feels that bad things may occur if they are wholehearted. They are particular challenged around simple boundaries - Jeannie supports them to lovingly communicate boundaries and needs rather than moving from activation.

Exchange 3: Jeannie supports participant who finds that two years after an awakening they don't feel like the person that friends and family are trying to connect with and feel loneliness and grief at the separateness of not being able to explain their experience. 

Exchange 4: Participant is experiencing challenge and difficulty in relationships and grief rising. Jeannie supports them to look at what's right for them, what they need from the relationships and what is really calling their heart.