Not my will but Thine.

How do I tell what is my will and what is Holy will?

Jeannie invites participants to soften and sink into being and to rest there. She describes surrendering to yin and the rising of yang and how those balance each other, and how Holy will moves, and what separate self will looks like.


Exchange 1: Participant left a life/marriage behind and studied with teachers -- now she feels like it's time to give her gifts but self attacks that she hasn't figured out how. Jeannie normalizes the growth and learning curve involved in bringing forth deep gifts and talks about some things for her to try to take some steps toward her gift-giving.

Exchange 2: Participant feels cut off from inner guidance and a sense of boundaries and wants some ideas for connecting with this. Jeannie invites her to notice when something feels alive and when something feels dead. She talks about head knowing versus embodied knowing. 

Exchange 3: Participant has had a lifelong struggle with using his will. Jeannie joins him where he is and normalizes and contextualizes his struggle in light of what he's faced in his life. 

Exchange 4: Participant finds it hard to trust. He speaks of negative thought patterns and the inability at times to find a wide view. Jeannie supports him where he is, allowing his human inability and he finds a place outside of story. He's grappling with "freaking out" and isolates -- Jeannie normalizes unplugging and solitude on the spiritual path. She invites him to land here in nowhere with her.

Exchange 5: Participant wants to explore how to tell the difference between resisting the organic movement of Holy Will or her own "weak" will getting in the way of moving forward. Jeannie suggests practicing "willing stuff" to exercise one's will and to see what rises in there. She also describes the felt experience of the aliveness of true guidance that may be followed up by fear and feeling stuck.

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