let yourself GO

Women's conditioning is a learned, embodied and mostly unconscious set of limiting beliefs that have energetic tethers and roots that are lifetimes old. Unwittingly, well-intentioned humans hand down a legacy that hobbles our capacity to bring our brilliance, our hearts, our tenderness and our power to bear in our world.

And our world needs us, unleashed.

Join Jeannie for an exploration of leaving the limiting aspects of women's conditioning behind to live freely and fully expressed. 

This course will include meditation, guided meditation, talks and Q&A. Optional home practices will be offered should you want to take your exploration beyond the class into everyday life.

All who identify as women are welcome, though this series is designed primarily for people who have grown up under women's conditioning.

Woman Unleashed consists of four calls:

  • Taking Space for Being 
  • Reclaiming Emotional Expression
  • Exploring Wildness 
  • Trusting Your Knowing

Cost: $97.00