Make your work the offering of your heart.

Work as an expression of the heart turns even the most mundane everyday task into devotional practice and soaks the endeavor with the sweetness of love.”   


~Jeannie Zandi

How is work spiritual? How can we infuse it with light and joy? How do we find the calling within us that results in a full-hearted engagement with the world? Join Jeannie to explore the place of work in our spiritual life, and how we can bring our work lives more in alignment with our hearts.

Jeannie encourages participants to sink into the moment. She talks about conditioning around work and also the opportunity of work to be a prayer, or devotion, to what we love the most. 


Exchange 1: Participant inquires into the sacred and the profane as it relates to work.

Exchange 2: Participant explores perfectionism and how it affects their work. Jeannie talks about harpies, the aspect that says "never enough" as well as the beauty of the love of the perfect, and the heartbreak of human limitation. Jeannie talks about having one eye on the perfect, one eye on mercy, and giving it all we have because that glorifies the Beautiful. And, include one's own body in the caring so we aren't acting out self-loathing in our offering.

Exchange 3: Participant is fascinated by work as prayer, since his orientation is work is "get as much done as you can." Jeannie talks about the joy of getting things done and feeling capable, as well as the danger of self abuse in service of the doing. Jeannie talks about the exploitation of the poor as workers that is in our collective unconscious and ancestral legacy. They discuss the roots and dynamics behind procrastination.

Exchange 4: Participant talks about the fear and moving slowly that characterizes stepping more into his work of the heart. Jeannie talks about the nourishment of staying "home" and letting that feed our movement through the organic versus thoughts of the future, shoulds and false yang.