Forgiveness [Self-guided]
CourseThe whole of what we call forgiveness is more than something we can will into being! Jeannie explores this oft-referred to spiritual topic from the ground up as we point our boats toward ending the war with ourselves and others.
Aggression [Self-guided]
CourseOur world today is filled with expressions of aggression, and we can struggle with it arising in the simplest of human interactions. What is aggression, what is its source and how do we work with it when we wish to be forces of love and truth?
I Am and It's Like This [Self-guided]
CourseJeannie guides participants to abide in the moment, and talks about the simplicity of emptiness and form -- "I am, and it's like this" -- and the possibility of meeting the actuality of what is.
Perfection & Humanness [Self-guided]
CourseJeannie talks about the inherent perfection of the Holy versus our conditioned need to perfect ourselves in order to be beyond reproach.
Expectations [Self-guided]
CourseIf we’re spiritual, we’re not supposed to have expectations, right? Join Jeannie and friends to explore the use and misuse of the natural human impulse to expect.
Everyday Mystic [Self-guided]
CourseJeannie talks about the constant and everyday nature of our essential being and the importance of following your own unique path. Free and sponsored by Open Circle.