Grief [Self-guided]
CourseLoss touches the heart in the deepest of ways and provides an inroad into the core of the mystery of love. Join Jeannie and friends to plumb the depths of staying true to the heart through grief.
God the Mother [Self-guided]
CourseJeannie explores themes of God, gender, and the integration of yin and yang that is embodied human wholeness on Mother's Day. Free and sponsored by Open Circle.
Tenderness [Self-guided]
CourseAs human hearts, we crave tenderness. We also long to be able to express tenderly and still feel rooted and strong. Join Jeannie and friends to explore the beauty and challenge of embodying tender softness.
Self Love [Self-guided]
CourseJeannie and friends explore the concept of self love from the perspective of the dynamic ground of now. Free and sponsored by Open Circle.
Good, Bad, Is [Self-guided]
CourseConditioned separation is a limited either-or perspective and chains us to a cycle of trying to be “good” and avoiding being “bad.” The way out is abiding in things-as-they-are. Join Jeannie in the field "beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing."
Trust Your Gut [Self-guided]
CourseJoin Jeannie for an exploration of listening below the rational mind to your gut instinct and what seems to interfere with trusting that information to guide your actions.